Billie W. Taylor II, Ph.D.

Pot the pipe

California Style

pipe photo
The value of pipe #173 is 47 points.

Barry Milroad was at the New York Pipe Club Swap Meet in September, 1999. I met him at the social on Friday night and he said he had several the pipe that he might be willing to part with. I suggested that he bring them the next day and we would see if we could make a deal. He said he would be there first thing Saturday morning. By four the next afternoon I had given him up, but he trundled in about ten after four. He had a tale to tell of flat tires and a night spent locating the pipes. Altogether, there were 13 of these pipes, only three of which were duplicates of pipes already in my collection. His were only smoked a few times and are in mint condition so they all join the collection. His contribution has enhanced the collection considerably. Thank you, Barry!

Eventually this one was traded to Rick Osborn in a massive swap-o-rama that left us both better off.