Billie W. Taylor II, Ph.D.

Author the pipe

California Style

pipe photo
The value of pipe #222 is 48 points.
48 points description

Rich Kozcrewicz found this web site and offered me this beautiful pipe. I was delighted to buy it from him and add it to my collection. I realize that this is the second example of a California Style Author, but I just couldn't resist. I put in on the Pipes for Trade page and Rick Osborn took it and two others in exchange for a New-in-the-Box California Style Author he had. A couple of years later, Rick decided to abandon collecting the pipe and very generously returned this pipe to me. So it again resides on the Pipes for Trade page and is part of my smoking rotation. It is so pretty that I will not again willingly part with it unless I must to get a new exemplar in my collection.